Book Sales

Please check the calendar for our next big book sale event!

Our basement Book Store has numerous shelves full of gently used hardcover and paperback books, audiobooks, movies, magazines, children’s materials, puzzles, and other items for sale. Most prices range from 10 cents to $1.00.

We offer three large sales throughout the year. Typical sale dates coincide with City of Coloma public celebrations for St. Patrick’s Day, the Glad-Peach Festival, and Halloween. Occasionally, we also host smaller sales in the Community Room or outside patio.

Proceeds from book sales help to fund Library programs and services.

Ongoing Book and DVD Sales

We have clearance items in our lobby throughout the year at greatly reduced prices, including DVDs and book “grab bags,” payable at the front desk. Selection will vary week to week, so check often!

Donated Materials

We accept donated books and materials year-round. Some donated items may be cataloged and added to our collection, while other items are given directly to the Book Store.  Additionally, some donated books are sent to Better World Books, which benefits the library in the same way as sales from Book Sales (proceeds helping to fund Library programs and services).

We would like to be able to accept all materials offered; however, we are a small staff.  Processing donated materials requires a substantial investment of our time.  We greatly appreciate your willingness to sort through donations to ensure their suitability before bringing them to us.  For unusual or large numbers of items, please call us at (269) 468-3431.

Items should be clean, dry, mold-free, and intact.  We gladly accept books, audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, records, puzzles, games, and magazines.  Sorry, we can’t take items that are dirty, moldy, or damaged; items with missing pages or components; telephone books; encyclopedia sets that are over 5 years old; or VHS, cassettes, and other outdated formats.

In compliance with Internal Revenue Service guidelines, the library does not make determinations on the value of donated materials, nor does the library mail donation receipts. However, donation receipt forms are available at the front desk. Please pick up receipts at the time materials are donated.

Donations to the Library

Coloma Public Library community owes a debt of gratitude to the many friends, neighbors, and businesses who support public library services and facilities by donating their volunteer time, money, books and materials. Donations to the Coloma Public Library enhance services and programs in numerous ways.

The Coloma Library welcomes gifts and memorial donations for the following purposes:

  • Donations of new or used books and DVDs
    Textbooks, condensed books, magazines, VHS, musty books or those in poor condition are not accepted.
  • Cash Donations
    Undesignated gifts are a much-appreciated addition to library revenues that can help fund acquisitions, special programs, or major projects.
  • Bequests
    Designating the library in your will is a wonderful way to leave a lasting gift to the community.
  • Memorial Contributions
    When a family member or close friend passes away, memorial contributions to the library can be used to purchase books for the collection or other items.  Book plates acknowledging the memorial are place in each book and the family of the deceased is notified of the donation.
  • Support for Special Projects
    Gifts can be made in support of programs or projects.

Major bequests and memorial contributions have helped finance library construction, renovation, decoration, and books/materials for circulation.  The library maintains a wish list of items and projects toward which donations can be applied.

How to Donate:

Gifts and cash donations can be made in person at the library or can be mailed.  Download this form and mail it in or drop off at the library.

Consider helping our library grow! View our ongoing wish list of materials on Amazon by clicking on the WishList icon.

You can browse our current wishes, make one of them come true, and help support your library and the Coloma community!  Your support allows us to continue to provide quality programming and resources for all ages. 

Our Wish List changes periodically, so check back often.